Home > Just Venting

Just Venting

July 9th, 2006 at 12:09 am

Now don't get me wrong I love my little nephew, but I am always stuck baby sitting. My mom says she'll do it but I am the one who he seems to be attached to the hip. He's 3 and I needed to run a few errans which always slows me down when I have him. I have to buckle him in, move extra slow, he wants this or that etc...Seems like we well me, have had him at least twice a week for the last month and it puts a toll on if you're working 2 jobs. But according to my mom my brother needs a break...well what about me?

1 Responses to “Just Venting”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Obviously your mother doesn't think he needs a break bad enough to give him one herself. Practice saying, "I'm sorry but I already have plans for that day." Or tell your brother flat out you can only watch your nephew once every two weeks, and it has to be prearranged and not last minute.

    We all need a break from our kids from time to time. But twice a week? That's just taking advantage.

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