Home > Debt Collectors

Debt Collectors

July 19th, 2006 at 10:16 pm

It is so funny I have been working off paying all my debts I am down from about 9 active cc that carry debts to 1. I also have 1 charge off and a cell phone debt (this is a phone I got for my ex who did not pay the bill) but it's funny because just last week I sent a letter to the original creditor Verizon offering to pay this debt at 70% of the actual balance. Well I have not gotten a response but I did get a call from the collection agency. When I informed him I dealing with the original Creditor he started yelling, " why don't you just pay your bills and you know this call is being record, I mean over and over. I then said well, because you and I know that it is against the law to harass me and I consider your method of collection as harassment. Anyway I mailed a letter to the Federal Trade Commission, my attorney generals office and the collection office
I can't believe them and not only that in Florida it is illegal to record any conversation without the other party's consent. Boy was I ticked off

1 Responses to “Debt Collectors”

  1. carol Says:

    Way to go Amber on firing off those letters to the FTC, etc. That was harassment and frankly, abuse. You don't have to put up with cr*p like that.

    Sounds like you are making serious progress in getting all those cc's paid off. Keep it up.

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