Home > Bad news

Bad news

July 25th, 2006 at 02:28 am

MD called my paps came back abnormal so I’ll see her next week ($40.00) for additional tests. I hope it’s not cancer L so keep me in mind

4 Responses to “Bad news”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I've gone with three women to follow up exams after an intial abnormal pap. Getting a pap smear is routine, but an abnormal finding is not routine for the individual! It scares most of us. Amber, ask someone to go with you if you think that would help you. I'll pray. And of course, usually the abnormality turns out to be nothing at all.

  2. campfrugal Says:

    Amber - I will be praying with you and will keep you in my thoughts. Please update us afterwards.

  3. miclason Says:

    I went through this same thing last year...Thankfully, it turned out to be just an infection...Hope it is nothing serious with you. It IS scary!...I'll keep you in my prayers!

  4. veronak Says:

    Thanks so bunch guys, I really needed to hear your response, I have not told anyone yet

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