Home > Just Plain 'Ol Lazy

Just Plain 'Ol Lazy

July 26th, 2006 at 01:59 pm

I work with a girl who is soooo lazy I do not know why she is here. She walks back and forward all day long and adding paper to the copier. I mean be for real. Then she goes this is going to be a long day there is nothing to do Frown Dhe drives me bonkers. I have filed, called patients did laundry all in the last 2 hours and all she has done was place paper in the copier

3 Responses to “Just Plain 'Ol Lazy”

  1. princessperky Says:

    hmm maybe she doesn't know how do to anyof the other stuff?

    next time she says she is bored tell her how much you would love her help..and give her something to do?

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Wow. Can I have her job? Seriously, that'd be a great second job for me.

  3. carol Says:

    Maybe she needs to sign up with a couple of legitimate online paid to read e mail places?

    I have signed up with 5 and a paid survey site called Pandaresearch and am getting paid 1 to 3 pennies per email.(I am getting quite a lot of e mails to read and have accumulated $545.00 at Pandaresearch already just for taking their surveys. I still need to open an activate a PayPal account before requesting payment, but for sitting at home at my computer, I'm making money.

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