Home > $25.00 CC Payment

$25.00 CC Payment

August 16th, 2006 at 10:14 pm

Normally once a week (Friday's) I deposit $25.00 to the challenge, well I just paid on my high interest CC (the one I always complain about) instead

New balance for this card: $1652.56

Total CC balance (previous)$1947.88
New balance for CC's: $1922.88
I can't wait until payday I am going to pay as much as possible (about $800.00 on this card)
D. Ramsey is right, you have to attack these cards/debt with vengeance other wards you will never pay them off. I want to be debt free including my student loan ($1038.54) by December 2006. I want to be able to deposit my entire tax refund in my EF account rather than paying bills

3 Responses to “$25.00 CC Payment”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I think its awesome you have $800 to send in to your credit card! Your goal to pay off by December is awesome. Keep fired up!! You can do it. Every dollar counts!

  2. koppur Says:

    You can so totally do this!!!!

  3. Meredith Says:

    Power to ya! Just make sure you cut up those credit cards when you're done...otherwise you'll have to go through this all over again. That's my biggest struggle now. =p

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