Home > Another CC payment

Another CC payment

August 23rd, 2006 at 06:48 pm

I just made another cc payment of $20.46 and now my new total is $1995.12
previous balance $2015.58. Now when I return my textbook of $130+ credit

4 Responses to “Another CC payment”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Way to go! Now your balance is under $2000! Doesn't that feel good. Next thing you know it will be under $1900. You can do this. Keep it up.

  2. koppur Says:

    Whoo-hoo! =) Congrats!

  3. freeme journey Says:

    Well done - it is so good to see all us making progress. Before you know it will be down by another $200

  4. carol Says:

    Right on Amber(doing the cha cha cha dance) I can't wait until you announce that these cc's are finally paid off so I can do the victory dance with you.

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