Home > 8 more days to go

8 more days to go

August 24th, 2006 at 02:52 am

Until the end of the month that is. I was looking at my total spending and I am a little surprise but here we go:
Gas: $107.69 down by $13.36
Car Maintane: $3.19
Cable: $91.74 up $51.74
Celluar:$159.54 Frown
Electricty: 167.43
Home phone:$41.45
Water & Sewage:$40.39
Charitable donations : $40.00
Dining out: $19.71 Smile
Groceries: $169.76
Personal Care:$35.60
Leisure: $3.50
Sales tax;$8.40
Can't wait until the end of teh month to see how I do

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