Home > A friend who only sees things her way

A friend who only sees things her way

August 25th, 2006 at 09:58 pm

I have a fried who is so stubborn and who refuses to listen she drives me crazy. Today we had an argument because she says her ex will not drive 30 minutes to pick their kid up for visits but yet she won't either. Now she was living locally and decided to relocate because I think she was jealous of his new relationship. So I asked her how can you expect for someone to do something that you yourself refuses to do, I tried to explain to her that one has to lead by example.

1 Responses to “A friend who only sees things her way”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Poor kid. Wish they'd think of the kid and stop thinking about themselves. A child needs to see both parents, unless there was abuse, and to be so petty about driving, what are they teaching the child? That gas or driving for 30 minutes is not worth it for the child? Both of the parents need to grow up.

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