Home > Changed my mind

Changed my mind

August 26th, 2006 at 01:54 am

Well I changed my mind about using the extra $200.00 towards the CC, since my car gave a little trouble today my uncle is actually taking a look at it tomoorow and maybe have my cousin's husband who is a mechanic check out the oil leaks so I am holding on to the money rather than paying the CC and then charging in the future. I am trying to stay away from placing anything and I do mean anything on the CC

3 Responses to “Changed my mind”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I think that is okay. When there's trouble its best to use cash. I think that's smart. So if the repairs are less than $200 the rest could be put on the CC. Hope it's fixed soon for you.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Good idea! Why charge it and pay interest, when it is already in hand!

  3. veronak Says:

    Thanks everyone fpr the positive input I really really really appreciate it Smile

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