Archive for August, 2006
August 12th, 2006 at 01:40 am
Gas: $35.00
Water & Sewage
Tithes: $20.00
Dining out: $19.71
Education/tuition: $370.10
Cleaning Supplies: $5.25
Job Exp:$.89
Misc: $3.10
Personal Care:$7.65
Sales tax: $2.74
Total: $925.18
Federal Income tax:$97.41
I am very pleased thus far with the grocery bill
Posted in
August 12th, 2006 at 01:29 am
Wow I just paid half my tution which was $370.10 on the cc but I have $127.93 socked away so my balance is $242.17 and I will definately pay this off on Tuesday (which is payday) So I am happy...looks like I am going to have to use the Challenge money to pay for books which are costing me close to $250.00 but I realize now the $20.00 here and there that I usually put away towards my tuition must got up by $80.00 a pay period which I plan on doing that way I 'll have a lot more saved. But I am happy and blessed because I do not have to take out a student loan again
Posted in
August 11th, 2006 at 07:50 pm
Well the girl who is always at the copier called out today...thank God and the other one was less demanding, I think she finally firgured it out. So we have had a pleasant day together her and so I am happy. The miserable old boss lady is still out until next Thursday, leaving me 2 days to spend with her
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August 11th, 2006 at 07:40 pm
Yeah 5 days an no spending other than my fixed income I am so happy. So I added .50 to the challenge and the new car account:
Auto: $7.17
Posted in
August 11th, 2006 at 12:51 am
My dad seems to give me money every chance he gets, again he gave me $30.00 I ran a couple of errans for him. So I treated him to lunch today. I am thankful for the money because I plan on using it towards my books this semester, it's money that I really need
New totals:
Personal Checking:$344.00
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 04:30 pm
Well it looks like I am will not be spending any money today, I leave here at 12 and I will make lunch when I get home so I am adding $.50 to the challenge and $1.20 to my new car account
New totals:
Car Account:$6.67
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 03:23 pm
I am all-alone today at work except for the therapist (2) in the back and I am loving it. The girl who walks back and forward to put paper in the copier is off and the other one who like to delegate is in this afternoon and I am off. The owner is not here yet and the office manager is on vacation I love days like these so nice and quiet
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 02:51 pm
Since I have started blogging and keeping track of every dime spent, I realize it is nice to see my savings and personal accounts grow. It actually feels really good. I have tried to introduce my friend but she has failed to launch. This is more like therapy, I know I have a way to go but at least it is a start. CC's are paid, money is in the bank, I am contributing to my IRA on a regular basis and will increase that amount within the next few months...so yes I feel real goos
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 01:59 pm
Well today was payday from my part-time job so I was able to add $226.70 to my personal account I am happy with that because I still had about $60.00 since the last pay period which was about two weeks ago plus my dad gave me $45.00.
Hopefully today will be a no spend day again. Right now I have about $83.00 in my bill account which is a good thing as well. I am usually dipping in the EF a few days before pay day
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 11:53 pm
That is the name of the book I just finished by Gloria Mellett. It's one of the best books I have read in a long time, I cried then laughed with each page. It's one of those books that should be a movie on Lifetime. I loved it.
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 11:48 pm
19 more classes to go before I receive my BHA I thought if I took 4 classes each semester I would be done by next fall but unfortunatley money is tight. The school allows us to pay half when school starts and the other half by October so that is a plus and with the part-time job the I will be able to pay it off before October. I am so excited because I am almost there
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August 9th, 2006 at 07:49 pm
Well I am on my 3rd day and I did not spend any money so I am happy. I added .50 to the challange and new car account
New totals:
Car Account:$4.47
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August 9th, 2006 at 04:16 am
Well I went to see my dad today and he says to my "you want some money" out of the blue and I said to him for what and he just gave me $45.00 I was so happy because next week I see the MD which will cost me $20.00 and last week I had an eye exam which was $30.00 so basically I lost nothing
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 04:03 am
Well today is the second day this week and I spent nothing, so I am adding $.50 to the challenge and car account
New totals:
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August 7th, 2006 at 11:00 pm
Just got an update from Transunion and my I notice there was a few changes on my CR. But like I said before this is a long process.Previously my scors with the big 3 were:610,595, & 543 and now it's 618,535 & 575 it's odd that two went up and one went down. But I know everything takes time. Any how one of my accounts I am disputing, Transuion found to be in violation of the FCA which is good for me but it was not removed. What do I do now? I guess I can write and ask for debt verification
Posted in
August 7th, 2006 at 10:34 pm
Wow, I can't believe December will be two years since my SIL died and I did not realize yersterday was her birthday. I miss her a lot
Posted in
August 7th, 2006 at 10:31 pm
ok here we go agin today is day 1 and I did not spend anything so I added .50 to my new home account and the car account.
New totals
$20.00 Challenge: $413.45
Car Account $3.47...lol
Posted in
August 6th, 2006 at 04:59 pm
As you all know I am in the process of cleaning up my credit. I have mailed letters right and left trying to get things removed, well I just got two letters returned from companies that ran my credit report without my consent and now I have to write a letter to Equifax asking that they remove this inquiry. Boy is it sure easy messing up your credit but it's like pulling teeth to fix it. Once I get thismess straighten out I am going to stay on top of my credit. If I knew then what I know now
Posted in
August 6th, 2006 at 04:51 pm
Well today and these last few days I have spent money but starting tomorrow I will start over with the "no spend days" and see how well I can keep it up. Last week it was only 4 days
Sales Tax:.93
Groceries: $14.93
Medication: $10.00
Cleaning supplies: $5.25
Leisure: $1.25
Peronal Care: $5.18
I saved $.75 with coupons therefor I added to the challenge new total $412.95
Added $1.71 to car account lol new total $1.71, but every little bit helps we'll see how far I get
Posted in
August 4th, 2006 at 10:33 pm
This girl on my job drives me crazy I can not wait until next week when she leaves
She is sooooo lazy it's pathetic, I mean why work. All day all she did was add paper to the copier and the fax machine; oh and I forgot walk back and forward. The funny thing is the boss knows she's lazy
Posted in
August 4th, 2006 at 01:13 am
Well since I did not complete one week of no spending and only 4 days I ended up spending some money again today.
Sales tax:$.42
Dining Out:$2.20
$20.00 Challenge: +$27.00
Auto account: +$1.21
Posted in
August 4th, 2006 at 12:49 am
Well today I had the Colpscopy done, it wasn't as painfull as I thought it would be but I will not know anything until about the 17th , However, just wanted to thank everyone for your prayers.
Remember the $20.0 I was over charged at the MD's office, well the billing manager I spoke to On Tuesday had no clue, but I quickly reminded him I had a $20.00 credit and that I spoke with him and there was no way I was paying $40.00 well he straighten it out, seems like there is always a problem with him
Posted in
August 3rd, 2006 at 02:03 am
Well tomorrow I go back to the MD for my byopsy and I am a little nervous but I am going to put it in God's hands. Iam also meeting with the advisor at the college because a class here and there is not cutting it so I am ready to buckle down and make things happen
Posted in
August 2nd, 2006 at 11:38 pm
well I was only able to complete 4 "no spend days" since I started the challenge. I was too lazy yesterday to cook dinner so I had to buy lunch today and was too lazy this morning to cook breakfast, but I stopped at the grocery store and bough breakfast for the next few days. I am a little dissapointed but I added $9.34 to the challenge in order match lunch today's lunch splurge
New Total: $385.20
Posted in
August 2nd, 2006 at 03:15 am
I read an article a while ago on this very topic. It stated that we all have something in our closets in which we have not worn in a long time, and if you are a shopaholic or some one who likes clothes (that's me) just put something on that you have not worn in awhile. Well I tried this and guess what it really was very therapeutic...it felt like I actually had on new clothes (sad I know). My brother who works for waste management always find clothing items, well I washed upped pair of pants ironed them really well, found a shirt that I have not worn in about 3 years and that's what I'll wear to work I am so proud of myself and am thankful for all the great posts of support. Can you believe it I have not went to a mall in months and I only spent about $10.00 last week at a thrift store.
Posted in
August 2nd, 2006 at 02:58 am
Well I just added $1.71 to the challange brining my new total to $375.86
Not only that I forgot to add the interest earned to my accounts last month which were:
New Home:$1.02
Checking: $.16
Total $2.33
lol...I can't wait until I have enough money saved to earn much more on interest
Posted in
August 2nd, 2006 at 02:21 am
I actually I only have 2 goals for August, 1 is to get CC1 paid atleast by half the balance and back into to school I took the summer off so hopefully I'll be back full force and ready to roll in the Fall.
Posted in
August 1st, 2006 at 10:16 pm
Well we have our first name storm of the season T. Charles, pray for us that it dissipates before hitting anyone
I am just glad that I have been hurricane shopping for the last few months
Posted in
August 1st, 2006 at 10:02 pm
Normally I get my EOB's from the insurnce company and never look at them, any way just read mine and the MD office over charged me by $20.00. If you remembered they also charged me $20.00 for not cancelling an appointment, since I am going in again on Thursday for an Colposcopy I ask that they just credit me the funds. So what I budgeted to spend this week ($40.00) I can just hold on to it
Posted in
August 1st, 2006 at 09:50 pm
Wow day 4 and still no spend other than my fixed income I spent no money today, I am so proud of myself. I did however, hit the thrift store but I was thought I am going to cpmlete this challenge with a full effort
Electric: $167.43
CC: $62.88
Cell phone 1: 53.00
Cell Phone 2: $42.22
Cable: $25.87
Home Phone: 40.00
Regualr Savings Deposits
EF:$75.00 New total $477.81
Misc Account $30.00 New total $30.01
Personal Account:$20.00 New total $141.00
Ira:$20.00 New Total $730.27
So I am happy
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