Home > Keep a close eye on your kids

Keep a close eye on your kids

September 4th, 2006 at 04:38 am

My friend just told me her daughter took nude pictures and sent them to a friend of hers whose brother supposely like her. First of all children should not have cell phones, that is how the pictures was sent. I told her to find out who this boy was and if he was a minor then speak to his parents and if he was older report him to the police. Well I think because her and her daughter has not been getting along she is a bit tired and has given up. I tried talking to her, oeverall she is a good mother to both of her kids but I think her oldest is rebelling because she has remarried and has another daughter ( this is the one who cell phone she used to send the pic)Actually her ex-husband who she remains friends with bought the youngest kid the cell phone and would periodically check the phone, he is the one who ound the pics. Anyway she sent them without the sister knowing because the date and time was really later (of course after bed time). Well I think she should get her birth control and condoms but she thinks it is promoting sex..I think it's better to teach "safety" than nothing. I told her to check and see if she had a myspace account all the kids today seem to have them. hear about this stuff on the news but you never think it might be me or someone close to me

2 Responses to “Keep a close eye on your kids”

  1. broken arrow Says:

    Wow. That is a monumentally huge issue!

    No, I don't think having birth control promotes sex any more than having fire departments promote fires. In a way, the fire is already there. The question now is, how do you put out the fire and contain the damage?

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm not anti-cell phone for kids but I do believe they should not have camera phones or the ability to do anything but make calls with them, and should have limited service phones, ones that can only dial certain numbers you program in, like their parents, grandparents, 911 and AAA (if they are of driving age). This girl should have her phone taken away, though and be taught about birth control pronto.

    We teach our kids to look both ways before they cross the street. Sex ed is an even more important safety issue and it should come from the parents before the kids become sexually active and this girl probably already is or is very close to it. And the mother doesn't need to worry about promoting sex. If her daughter is sending a boy naked photos, the daughter is already "promoting" sex. Marketing it, in fact. Does she want to be a grandma early? I know I don't. And how is this girl going to feel if these photos get spread around by this boy before the parents can stop it? Everyone will think she's already having sex. To not know about birth control in that situation could be very dangerous to this girl.

    In this day and age with girls hitting puberty so early and sex offenders so rampant, not arming our children with this information is a travesty. And I am a rather conservative person, but I'd rather see birth control taught and used than young girls having babies or the emotional pain and distress of an abortion or giving a child up for adoption, or getting AIDS and STDs because no one taught them better.

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