Home > When you spend, you spend

When you spend, you spend

September 6th, 2006 at 02:11 am

Over the last few days I spent a ton of money. I forgot yesterday I bought a $5.00 dress then turned around today and bought a $15.00 bag which was $79.00 then a pair of $15.00 like what was I thinking ? I guess I wasn't I have not gone shopping in a while now I am thinking about returning the purse and the shoes. Then i went to verizon and because I have a newer notebook I have to get the new internet card at $176 Frown then I used the CC (the high interest one by mistake ) but I just paid $112 on it so that was not too bad. I hate spending I can't believe it

2 Responses to “When you spend, you spend”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Savers Backlash!!!

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Yeah, go ahead and return the purse and shoes even though they were good deals. You'll find out your are you are more powerful than a sale! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and all that! And you can tell yourself that you will let yourself look for shoes and a purse in six months. In six months, just see if you still care to have new at that time. Maybe you'll give youself two more months at that point. Delayed gratification but credit cards paid off has its own gratification.

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