Home > $20.00 Challenge

$20.00 Challenge

September 20th, 2006 at 10:16 pm

I guess you can say I am back on track I am adding $5.00 to my challenge money because lunch was free today and I am positive I would have atleast spent $5.00 so new total $13.38

1 Responses to “$20.00 Challenge”

  1. Justin Says:

    Hi Amber,
    I've been reading your blog on and off over the past month or so.
    If you have 3 cc's each of which is on diferent % intrests.
    Why not consolidate all the debt onto the card which has the lowest rate and get rid of the rest?
    Then you can increase the re-payments on that card without increasing your over all spending limit.

    The best way i found to pay my cards off was to take them out of my wallet and only use hard cash that way you know if you can really afford/want something.

    good luck

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