I am annoyed because my boss wanted to go to Sweet Tomatoes since she missed the free lunch on Friday. Well of course I did not bring in any lunch because we were going to Sweet Tomatoes, well I be...I get here and she is leaving at 12 and will not be having lunch so I ended up spending $7.73 on lunch that I did not want to eat in the first place (well spend the money that is) Then I go there (Sweet Tomatoes) and there is no where to park the cops are giving out tickets if you park in the lot next to the restuarant..lucky for me I did not get ticket. I then hand the girl my coupon and was told they do not accept coupons, now I am more annoyed. So to make a long story short I round up the change and added 7.00 to the cc debt a total of $7.03 (matched the money wasted)
October 2nd, 2006 at 10:27 pm