Home > $25.00 a week saving

$25.00 a week saving

November 3rd, 2006 at 01:21 am

Ok I use put away $20.00 a week in my ING home account and I stopped a few months ago to pay down the cc debt, now I feel like I am in a position that I start back again and now turn my focus on saving for a home...I plan on graduating within the next two years and purchasing my first home so I am adding to my challenge cash account

New total $25

5 Responses to “$25.00 a week saving”

  1. Bookie Says:

    Way to go. I use the ING automatic transfer function as a "forced saving." It's activated the day my monthly check posts, and I don't even think of it as ever being in my account.

    Good luck with the new resolve.


  2. jersey jen Says:

    hey there, thanks for stopping by my
    Text is blog and Link is
    blog. i like your ambitious goal of graduating and become a homeowner! we seem to have similar money habits that we try to improve on. keep up the good work!

  3. money ideas Says:

    $25 per week seems a realistic target, keep it up and good luck

  4. moneycents Says:

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Juston Garland Says:

    A good saving goal would be at least 10% of your total income. Remember the earlier you start saving the better off you will be in the long run. This is a good start and as time comes you should try and increase your savings when possible.

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