Home > My friend is still at it

My friend is still at it

November 5th, 2006 at 04:36 pm

I am sure you all have heard me mention my friend who desperately needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Well she lost her job last week, she works from home part-time with a company called Willow bringing home about $375 every two weeks her rent is about $700 a month but she she's no prblem with that and she is planning a trip to Jamaica, her cell phone was just turned off. I fell really sorry for the kid because she has told him she could have more than she has if it weren't for him but yet she is palnning a trip to Jamaica meanwhile her bills are past due. I guess she won't be happy until she hits rock bottom and crying uncontrollably Sad Smiley 038

7 Responses to “My friend is still at it”

  1. janh Says:

    That's awful for that child! To be told he is a liability...that hurts!

  2. carol Says:

    What a horrible thing to tell her child! I'm not so convinced that she needs to keep her child if she's going to shred his self esteem like that.

  3. rduell Says:

    This lady is going to hit bottom fast and it's not going to be pretty. Sounds like that's what it's going to take though to wake her up to reality. Her poor child...

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Mental abuse is as bad as any other form and telling a child they are the reason theres no money is abuse. The child should not have to wait until she finally hits rock bottom for the mental abuse to stop. Very disturbing..IMO the matter should be reviewed by children services.

  5. Amber Says:

    I did tell the ex-husband but I am not sure what will happen, hopefully something..I think she has low self-esteem and is battling with some demons herself..sad, very sad

  6. jersey jen Says:

    um, that's a textbook example of how people get into huge CC debt. on the other hand, maybe she needs to take some time off and restart her life?

  7. Broken Arrow Says:

    Sounds like... my ex.

    Except the part about telling a child that they are a liability. At least my ex loves our kids. Saying something like that is absolutely inexcusable. I would not be interested in maintaining any ties with a person who would say such a thing to their own child.

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