Home > Oops I forgot ...Happy Veterans Day

Oops I forgot ...Happy Veterans Day

November 11th, 2006 at 04:41 pm

I totally forgot today was Veteran Day.... do so show my appreciation I salute you Smilie Flagge13

2 Responses to “Oops I forgot ...Happy Veterans Day”

  1. janH Says:

    My dad's a vet, I need to call him! Thanks for reminding me! You are a vet if you served in peacetime aren't you? Well, he was on alert a lot during the cold war with the Cuban Missile crisis and the Suez Crisis and other stuff. He did a lot of work keeping planes in the air patroling the US coastlines during these types of alerts. They weren't allowed to land and had to refuel in the air. I think I will call him anyway, and wish him a good Veteran's Day.

  2. gas Says:

    good point, the vets deserve more respect than they get from all of us

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