Home > Change for 2007

Change for 2007

November 12th, 2006 at 01:42 pm

There will be a new me come 2007. I have pretty much met my goals this year, other than purchasing a home but that is my goal for next year. Now I have decided that come January I will be setting aside my old rent and car money which is $475 for rent and $348.11 which I paid on the car. That way I will have money saved towards owning my new home and money saved in case I have to but a new car (used). Any bonuses this year will be placed in the new home account as well tax returns ...the goal is to have $10,000 saved towards a house by the end of 2007 and atleast $3000 for a used car. So I guess you can say I am starting early with the resolutions

3 Responses to “Change for 2007”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Sounds like great goals and do-able!! Good for you. You can't get there if you don't decide to go - so it looks like you are off on the journey! YEAH!

  2. happyzookeeper Says:

    Sounds like a good plan!!! I know it's different everywhere but talk to a home banker about your buying options. There are special programs out there for firat time buyers. I have a coworker who got a 2500 federal grant towards her downpayment. Not repayable if she lives there 5 years. She was shocked because shes not poverty stricken or anything. Sorry to get so wordy.

  3. Amber Says:

    Thanks Happy I will check it out

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