Home > In too deep

In too deep

November 13th, 2006 at 10:53 pm

I hope I am not jumping the gun with wanting to finish school all of a sudden and biting off more than I can chew. I registered for 3 classes in the spring (9 hours) and I don't know if I can handle it. Right now I am doing ok, but I have gotten to the point where I just want to finish. I know other people with kids who work full time and go to scholl full-time so I am thinking there really should not be any excuses. Keep your fingers crossed for me

5 Responses to “In too deep”

  1. rduell Says:

    Good luck!

    I take one class at a time. With 5 teenagers and all the running around we do plus working full time it's all I can handle. I'm sure you'll do great though!

  2. janH Says:

    It's always worth a try! You never know. You can always cut back if it is not for you. Just be sure you take care of yourself. I tried an overload once. I did fine on grades, but I found that I couldn't take the pressure. Many others can. I needed a different strategy. I truly can understand wanting to finish. I think you are gutsy to try it.

  3. frugalmomof1 Says:

    Good Luck to you!
    For one semester I took 20 credits (engineering and high level math) while working full time and planning my wedding (before DS). It is tough, but it can be done!

  4. pjmama Says:

    Just keep focused! I'm sure it's a lot of work, but it is most definitely do-able. Keep your chin up! And think to your goals!

  5. monkeymama Says:

    Hang in there - working and going to college were the hardest years of my life. Be grateful you don't have kids to add to your load, but it is hard all the same.

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