Home > Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

November 23rd, 2006 at 05:23 pm

Just wanted to wish every one a very very hppy Thankskgiving. Now I look at things and can say I am very thankful for having:
1. God and Jesus Christ in my life
2. We made a safe trip from FL to GA
3. My Health
4. Family/Friends
5. Education
6. Saving account
7. Food
8. Clothing
9. A roof over my head
10. Employment
11. Transportation
12. Life
That's all I can think of right now but I will definately keep trying

2 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving”

  1. jersey jen Says:

    happy thanksgiving to you, too!

  2. carol Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! We just finished ham and dressing with cranberry sauce, homemade biscuits with gravy, and mashed potatoes. Yum!!! For desert tonight there will be apple pie.

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