Home > I did it

I did it

December 8th, 2006 at 03:07 am

I got 2 wrong on my final, much better than the mid-term. So for the class i got 86 points out of 100 giving me a "B" for the class. I am so happy because I was really concerned about this course since we only get a mid term and a final. Now I am waiting for the grades from another class which she has not posted as of yet but oh well...I know i did ok my average grade in the class was a"B" and i did do some extra credit

5 Responses to “I did it”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Great job! Hope your other grade turns out great too!

  2. janH Says:

    That's great! Good job!

  3. rduell Says:

    Good job!

  4. aretha Says:

    hi there, i just found your blog from google and wanted to say your dedication to paying off your debts, budgeting & keeping track of your money is inspirational! i'm a money-saving-budgeting freak and am always looking at ways to keep track of money, saving etc and frequently search google for blogs like yours because it adds a personal feel to it. i usually cant find any unless people are trying to make money out of it (pay only $4.95 & get monthly saving tips by email!!!).
    i like to read about someone elses experience with saving & living on a budget & frankly yours is the most interesting i've seen!
    i'm a 19 yo female who rents with my boyfriend, and while i dont study i am paying off a car loan, and your situation feels the same to me because i'd love to own my own piece of paradise, and soon! so i guess i just wanted to say thankyou for blogging your journey & experiences, i'll definately take the time to read your blog when i can. Smile aretha

  5. Amber Says:

    thanksso much guys...sorry it took so long to respond just been busy x-mas shopping and Aretha i really appreciate your comment

    thanks again everyone

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