Home > Just paying down debt

Just paying down debt

December 17th, 2006 at 05:20 am

I just paid what was left in my regular checking account on my student loan which was $3.35 brining my new total to $932.03. The goal was to be debt free by 2007 but it looks like I am going to only be cc debt free, that is still better than nothing

5 Responses to “Just paying down debt”

  1. sarah Says:

    Way better than nothing

  2. Bookie Says:

    Take your victories where you find them. What you're doing -- paying down debt -- is making a difference you will benefit from for years to come.

    You are doing very well. Be proud of the accomplishment to date and strut a bit.


  3. rduell Says:

    You've made great progess! That student loan will be history in no time.

  4. jersey jen Says:

    awesome! we can do this one step at a time. keep up the good work!

  5. tener Says:

    keep up the progress, maybe by mid 07 you'll be debt free!

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