Home > Glad to have a EF

Glad to have a EF

January 8th, 2007 at 01:30 am

I am glad I have my small but handy EF. I had to put my car in the shop; rotated tires and balance, oil change and had a transmission leak fixed all cost me $180. Good thing my uncle knows the mechanic because the leak alone would have been atleast $400 so I came out on top. I am happoy because I did not have to use a cc or borrow the money. I also took funds to pay half of my tuition which was $357.70 I as going to use a cc and wait until next month to pay it off but I thought if you have the cash now just pay it, so I did. Now I have until March to pay the other half on my tuition

1 Responses to “Glad to have a EF”

  1. carol Says:

    Way to go Amber!

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