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Anything to get you to spend

January 17th, 2007 at 09:21 pm

As you all know I have no cc debt, I was checking my email and there was one from Macy's wishing me a happy birthday. I thoght that was nice but when I opened the email it said happy birthday alright and free shipping with my next purchase. Now the old me would have jumped all over that, but the new and improved Amber said no way jose

6 Responses to “Anything to get you to spend”

  1. JanH Says:

    You stayed strong! Good for you!

  2. LuxLiving Says:


    Hope your day was happy!

  3. JanH Says:

    P. S. Happy Birthday! Sorry about that. I am just not on track today.....

  4. living_in_oz Says:

    JC Penney always sends out a $10 off coupon for our birthdays. I actually try to charge something on my account(and pay if off, of course) occasionally, because if you don't, then they won't send you the $10 coupon for your birthday!

  5. LuxLiving Says:

    Actually Amber I'm looking at these things differently as well. Used to I would just immediately toss all of these kinds of promotions.

    Now I try to look at them all a little closer, as some are for stores that I would normally purchase something at but maybe wasn't planning to right now - however, some have decent offerings like 25% off, so if it's something I will buy later anyway, I might just decide to move my purchase forward now - where before I just tossed them all as soon as they came in.

    I guess I'm saying it's good to stay strong when you don't need something, but DO look to see if they will actually save you money on something you'd normally buy later at full price.

  6. Amber Says:

    Thanks Lux I will keep tat in mind

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