Home > Back to work

Back to work

January 18th, 2007 at 02:37 am

Arrrrrgh!!!!! back to work tomorrow.

I am not too hapy because I know there is a ton of work waiting for me. Unfrtunately my co-worker who I have been complaining about and trying to train for the last two months is useless and hopefuly the boss has seen that and will address the issue. She can not remember a thing, refuse to take notes, and then has the nreves to get annoyed because I have to tell her the same thing over and over and over. It's like I am talking to myself. Oh dear oh dear, thank God it is only a half day for me. I know she has no experience but the problem that I have is that she refuse to try or even expand her mind. We work at a PT clinic and a patient gave her a prescripton for glasses, and what did she do, place the presription in the chart; so I said to her think about it do we treat patients for eyes and make glasses she said no, so I then asked why would you take the prescription she said I don't know. My God I am thinking the mind is a terrible thing to waste. just had to vent sorry

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