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As Predicted

January 19th, 2007 at 04:11 am

My co-worker did not do a thing while I was on vacation. Either she is STUPID (which I know I should not say) but I am know I am not. Any how she has been calling this patient to schedule since Monday and every day (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and every time she has called the person has told her she has the wrong number. Any how me upset not paying attention, and did not read her previous notes called the patient (at the number that was not marked out)well the guy I spoke to laid into me like a mack truck, he was so upset that we have called him every day since Monday and he has told us we have the wrong number. Now I so not blame him, but why would she keep calling and not even mark out the number...I am stupid for not reading her notes because I know how she is.

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