Home > People with money can be

People with money can be

January 20th, 2007 at 11:22 pm

very obnoxious. As you all know I work at a "luxury" senior living facility part-time (mind you I enjoy it for the most part). But the children of these seniors act as though they were the ones that worked their fingers to the bone and you owe them something. 98.9% of the people living here came from nothing and worked and worked ( I have heard this story more than once)so that their kids can have. This jerk (son) comes to the desk to tell me they are having a party for his mom and if I would direct the guest to the party, then he left me his cell phone number in case I could not do that. I mean how in the hell does he thinks the other/prior guest made it there, does he really think I would not direct them to the party. It's not so much that he thinks I wouldn't but the way he said it, like do I know who is mother is. I don't care if it was George W himself I treat everyone the same no matter what

1 Responses to “People with money can be”

  1. tener Says:

    that happens sometimes, you just have to be the bigger person.

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