Ok as you all know I work at a part-time job on the weekends and this is where I get my studying in. Anyhow there is this idiot on the job in which no one can stand, he complains about everything and everyone (he can not be trusted) any how I have been here since May of 2006 and have worked with every manager who mind you have seen me studying (one in particular is taking classes as well and studies when he is on) any how Mr. busy body made a complaint that, that is all I do. Can you believe that? Now if he wants to sling dirt I will be more than happy to. For starters, today he sat here for one hour trying to talk to me ( I ignored him as much as possible)not to mention that his wife comes here at 10:00 every night that I am here and sits with him at the guard house until 12pm (when he gets off) now shouldn't he be working? Not only that what if she gets hurt on company property in which I remind you she should not be on being that this is private property and if you are not a resident or employee you are not allowed on the property. I am soooo ticked off the only reason why I will not say anything to him is because the person who told me I like. Now for the hour that he was here with me he wanted to know what the other guy did, so I asked him why is it any of your business his response was 'because he only noted once on his log that he checked the doors" mine was 'again I ask you why is it any of your business, you are not management he has been here for 3+ years and no one else is complaining, doesnt management "read" his log to see that he has checked the building once, so why I ask again is it any of your business" he got the picture and left. I mean come on is his goal is to get everyone fired? He complained and had a meeting with management because one of the guards said to him stop acting like a baby. Not only has that he brought in his laptop, TV magazines and other things when he knows he is going to be on the desk. Just mind your own business and long as my work is complete and no one in management is complaining then mind your own (bleep) business
Sorry but I just had to get that off my chest
Mind your own business, this is a rant
February 4th, 2007 at 03:27 am