I have a friend that the least little thing you tell her she repeats (a drama queen) any how I had enough of her, she drives me nuts. First of all I think she is a terrible mother for example she calls her son dummy, stupid and has even told him if he wasn't here she could do better. Next she got close to $40,000 in her divorce settlement and can not show you one thing she bought other than the furniture for her apartment which is three sizes too big.
Well we had it out today because she made some comments to the mechanic who is friend of my uncle regarding getting my car fix. You all know I have went tooth and nail trying to get him to take it in and then she goes and say something about it obviously creating friction. Now that I think about maybe that is why he has not taken it in. Some time you have to cut ties with people who does not see what you see or appreciate what you are trying to do
Lost a friend today
February 8th, 2007 at 01:21 am
February 8th, 2007 at 08:40 am 1170924024