Home > Taxes are done

Taxes are done

February 10th, 2007 at 04:05 pm

Since my uncle's car is blocking me in I decided to go ahead and complete my taxes. $1715 is my return. I did claim my mom this year which did not make a huge difference only about $200 to $250 dollars, but I guess every little bit helps.

Plans with my return are as follows: $200 to my mom, $800 on the student loan(which will be paid off) and the rest to the EF.

Once the student loan is paid off I will be completely debt free, all Ican say is wow

2 Responses to “Taxes are done”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:

    Amber, Count your blessings on the student loan being padi off- I'm not there yet- I'm tackling taxes right now- owe $9,000, then I'll tackle student loans.

  2. Amber Says:

    Ouch, $9000, well I guess I should not be complaining

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