Home > All is well tonight

All is well tonight

February 11th, 2007 at 03:51 am

Well the seniors were not bad tonight (thank God) no one had any complaints and there were no 911 calls on my shift. I still have about 10 minutes left but they are all sleeping right now, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong this is a really nice job but these seniors (really wealthy seniors) can drive you nuts.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, you all know how I hate starting the movies because if you start one minute early or late you will definitely hear about, not only that I have to lecture them about their walkers etc. etc any how I was told no more will I have to start the movie. The girl from activities has to come in, bad for her but great for me Smile

2 Responses to “All is well tonight”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Yeah for you! One less thing to worry about! :-) My friend recently took over as activities director for a senior living center and she is having a blast!

  2. contrary1 Says:

    Another old activities director here............ My worst group was always the bridge players! I could not get a tablecloth set up like they wanted it no matter what I did. Finally came to the conclusion I was the activity for them! They worked so hard, had meetings, name it...........just to get me to change the table coverings again.........and again.........

    I'll never take up bridge!!! Smile

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