Home > Adding money to the challenge

Adding money to the challenge

February 17th, 2007 at 01:34 am

I have been eating out like crazy, I need to really buckle down. I had breakfast out and dinner at least I bought my lunch. So aded to the challenge $4.16

New total $985.25 getting close to $1000

5 Responses to “Adding money to the challenge”

  1. JanH Says:

    Closer...and closer...and closer....You'll be there before the month is up.

  2. T_I_N_A20 Says:

    Not before me =P

  3. Amber Says:

    Tina is that a Big Grin

  4. T_I_N_A20 Says:


  5. moneycents Says:

    That's great Amber! Keep going!

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