I normally try to bring my lunch to work but I get annoyed because sometimes my co-workers will go through my bag, so I decided to use a cooler that I use for my part-time job and was surprise everything stayed cold. So I will be bringing my lunch more often I am adding the following to the challenge since I bought my lunch and saved money
$.50 soda
$3.00 sandwich
New total $1567.40
Brought Lunch Today
March 5th, 2007 at 05:59 pm
March 5th, 2007 at 08:33 pm 1173126781
March 5th, 2007 at 11:36 pm 1173137809
March 6th, 2007 at 12:19 am 1173140395
being in the hospitality industry i guess it is a perk that i don't have to pay for my lunch! although usually i get the option of working through my break and going home early, which i usually do. and then it's only a couple of hours before i start cooking dinner, so i'll have a piece of fruit instead. it's great if you want to lose a few kilos sometimes! looking back i can't believe i haven't paid for my own lunch while at work for about two years!
March 6th, 2007 at 03:53 am 1173153187
March 6th, 2007 at 05:28 am 1173158915
March 6th, 2007 at 11:37 pm 1173224238