Home > Nephew is not doing well

Nephew is not doing well

April 7th, 2007 at 01:08 pm

My sister's kid is not doing well, he is a smart kid but always seems to have himself in some sort of trouble. He called up my sister and stated he did not have anything to eat so I sent him the $20 for food in which I intended to give as an offering to the church ( hope I am forgiven) I just wish he would move back home and go to college or find a half way decent job, he's a smart kid but he's headed down the wrong track

3 Responses to “Nephew is not doing well”

  1. homebody Says:

    $20 is the going rate for an oycontin pill, just so you know. Next time buy some food and give to him (just a suggestion). How do I know this, my BF's son was addicted, thank goodness he got off the drugs and is doing well now.

  2. SkyeBlue Says:

    Don't feel guilty about giving the money to him instead of to your church, it was a sweet thing to do. Not that this is your case of course, but some churches waste a lot of money that should be given to the poor. Just see giving your nephew the money as part of your tithe for the week. Instead of donating to the church sometimes my husband and I will just send money anonymously in the mail to people we know could really use it.

  3. Amber Says:

    You know homeboy, I immediately thought about drugs also but decided to go ahead and send the money. Skyblue your idea is great maybe I will do that some times

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