Home > $20 challenge

$20 challenge

April 14th, 2007 at 04:42 am

Well I have not learned my lesson, I am still eating out. Added $2.94 to the challenge because I went to DD and another $12 for lunch at Friday's. A co-worker borrowed $10 I maybe out of that we will see

New total $2035.57

2 Responses to “$20 challenge”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    This week, I've eaten out a few time too. I really was trying to pack, but I had a few unexpected changes in schedule & I ended up just buying intead. I'm looking to get back on track for next week Smile

  2. SkyeBlue Says:

    I probably eat out way too much also, but I just get SO TIRED of eating my own cooking that a change is nice.

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