Original Mortgage: $140,000.00
Mortgage financed: $119,500.00
New balance: $103,000
10/2022 Student Loan Consolidated Original Balance: $35,622.23
New Balance: $25,045.24
Interest accrual (10/31/24) $14.13
Consolidated student loans on 10/18/2022
Student Loan 2: $55,202.21
* Initial Account 4 balance $28,711.66
• Current account bal #4 bal $0
* Initial Account 2 balance $13,873.23
• Current Account Bal #2 bal $0
I am 33 and lately at night I am either sweating to death or freezing, could I actually be going through the changes? Is this normal for my age? This is insane, I hate feeling like this
I would say no your'e not. Usually only hot flashes if you are. Believe me!!! Hopefully your'e not getting sick. If this continues, maybe you should see a doctor for confirmation.
It's perfectly normal. It is called perimenopause (or pre- menopause, our "sneak peek") and it can start in your early 30's. A whacko thermostat to go with the whacko hormones is just what the doctor ordered! Don't worry, just hang on for the long ride! Coming up in a few years your cycle will go whacko too. Yee ha!
Homebody, you maybe right I never thought about thyroids. As a kid I was told I had low thyroids and should be taking Synthroid and of course I don't.
Unfortunately I am not comfortable speaking with my mom when it comes to women issues. She told me when I got my cycle at 12 that if I played with boys (key word played) I would get pregnant, I was scared to death because my playmates were boys
Thanks Nita I will checkout those sites
May 9th, 2007 at 04:54 am 1178682848
May 9th, 2007 at 05:24 am 1178684653
May 9th, 2007 at 06:20 am 1178688043
May 9th, 2007 at 03:00 pm 1178719200
They are great sites and offer advice on almost anything.
May 9th, 2007 at 04:23 pm 1178724198
May 10th, 2007 at 01:03 am 1178755399
Unfortunately I am not comfortable speaking with my mom when it comes to women issues. She told me when I got my cycle at 12 that if I played with boys (key word played) I would get pregnant, I was scared to death because my playmates were boys
Thanks Nita I will checkout those sites
May 10th, 2007 at 04:00 am 1178766017
My mother needs to take thyroid medication and she won't and it is seriously effecting her thinking ability.
My niece has taken it since she was a teenager.
May 10th, 2007 at 10:15 pm 1178831723