Home > Busy day

Busy day

May 10th, 2007 at 01:28 am

First I'd like to say how my day went:

I got up early today in order to make breakfast and there was no eggs so I ended up buying breakfast for mom & I ($6 added to the challenge)

Then I took my car to the shop and the mechanic did not charge me for the a/c Smile but he fixed my lighter (that I asked him to look at over a month ago and now did not want fix) that was $48. It actually worked out to my benefit because now I can bring my laptop along and charge my cell phone when low.

I also was able to find a used but practically new book for school at $29, not bad

Now in regards to my goal I added $9.91 to my cchallenge today I am desperately trying to reach $4000 before the end of the month, I really hope I can or come close to it

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