Home > Healthy again

Healthy again

June 5th, 2007 at 08:38 pm

Well I checked my pressure (BP) and it was 111/67 which is great. I have been watching my pressure because at one point it was really high. Now the doctor's office just called and told me that all my blood work came back negative Smile

2 Responses to “Healthy again”

  1. katwoman Says:

    Amber, the BP number is great but do yourself a favor and get a copy of the bloodwork to hold on to and maybe looked at by someone else. I say this because my mom's results were "terrific" but when I looked at the numbers I saw she was iron deficient which helped explain a few other changes in her overall picture of health. You can't trust doctors to always tell you everything so please be proactive even if it pisses them off.

  2. Amber Says:

    You're right I sure will

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