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Got my head bitten off

August 6th, 2007 at 01:05 am

I called my friend today because I have not heard from her in a while (she is the one who's philosophy is if she wants is she is going to get it, because you only live once) Any how, one of her daughters went out of town with her sister for a family reunion so when I asked how come the other or herself did not go she bit my head off and stated "NO BODY HAS ANY MONEY" well I thought if you quit buying what you want because you deserve it, you would have money. Any how she is buying a new house because she wants it and the other has not sold yet and I think that is more of her fustration than anything else. I said to her make sure your contract has a contingency stating your house have to sell first she said she didn't need, looks like she will. Now she is complaining the whole time that she is "broke as a joke" but now she has applied for a new position in which she will be making if she gets the job and I am sure she will, $50k a year...and you know what her plans are a new BMW 525. Now the only reason why she has not gotten the car yet was because she was waiting on closing on her house (mind you she used a cc to pay for some fee she needed to pay). The whole thing is crazy. Some times I think how do they do it and I am living at home struggling and they have everything and then I remember they're in debt and I am not

1 Responses to “Got my head bitten off”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yeah, that's pretty crazy... and yet so common nowadays. Her statement in frustration should have been a clue though, but I guess not.

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