Home > Wow, it has been awhile

Wow, it has been awhile

September 19th, 2007 at 03:53 am

What I have learned is that if I am not blogging or reading other blogs about finanaces, I fall back into my old ways and that is wasting money. I have been busy with school (3 classes this semester) and have not had time to catch up on my blogging or finances. I have done a ton of shopping Frown so I guess I have fallen off the wagon. It is time to get back on track and make some serious changes.
I paid bills today and made some deposits to my challenge and IRA but my cc debt has risen to about $900 (I will update the total later) but atleast $700 of that is for school
Anyhow, I just wanted to give every one heads up and let you know I am still alive
Added $53 to the challenge
$205 on cc
$143 towards car (saving a little extra towards extra payments)
$30 EF
$10 misc account
$50 for IRA
$44 on water bill
$64 for Cable
$15 for meds
$20 tithes
$35 dentist (had some swelling)
I am still waiting on a check/deposit from Amazon for a book sold which will go towards my cc/school transactions
and I got an extra $5 to for a survey so I am adding this to the challenge as well

3 Responses to “Wow, it has been awhile”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    it happens to me too!
    dont worry. as long as you're back and posting you should be fine. i've missed your posts! Smile

  2. moi aussi Says:

    It happens to me too! So I have started again.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Glad to see you're still on here! School expenses make it hard for anyone--but don't worry, you'll get back on track.

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