Sorry for the long post:
Broken Arrow had a post about a friend who bugs him now it is my turn.
I have a friend who bugs the crap out of me, every time I talk to him he is whining about money; but he won't look for a job.
He's hinting to me constantly that he needs money and things are not looking good. Well finally today he says to me if I could let him hold something, that’s right "hold" he didn't ask if he could borrow but hold, which bugged me even more. Then I say to him how much, he says $200. I immediately thought you have got to be kidding me, there is no way in Hell I would lend, well give him $200 especially if there is no reasonable way he will even pay me back since he is not working(hint hint)
A few months ago he gave me $45 and you know what I am going to give him back the same $45, I knew it was a mistake to take money from him as a gif I just knew it
Then when I told him I did not have the $200 he starting laughing as if I owe him something and that I was lying, anyhow he says to me you're the one with all the assets...I thought you SOB (sorry) even if I did, which I don't it is none of his business. So I say to him that is even more reason why I do not have the money because I have too many bills to pay
When I give him back his $45 I will definately loose contact with him.
This is the same sorry guy who ducked and dodged his landlord for almost a month after the guy let him move in with out paying first last or security and then he had the nerve to tell him off. Mind you he is good friends with my ex who is also use less what is that saying ‘birds of a feather flock together” or “two peas in a pod” these two are two of a kind a bunch of losers
Now he is doing little side jobs with him (his landlord) with out pay to cover his rent. And still will not look for a damn job
People just simply amazes me, here it is you work hard to pay down your debt so you can live comfortably, save as much as possible to reach your goals and you are suppose to lend a person who is not working $200, you have got to be kidding me
What bothers me the most is he thinks oh she lives at home, has a new car, nice clothes etc… but damn it, I work hard for the things I have. I drove an old beat up car for 3 years before I got my “used” car. I am sacrificing a lot living at home ( no privacy) and I am working two jobs and going to school, does he not know the term “opportunity cost” you have to give up some things to get something else
Rather than buying $10 bags of marijuana on a daily basis he would have money to pay bills, how about cutting off the cell phone and the cable or even sell some things
I am so sorry for the long post but I just had to let it all out
My friend bugs me too
December 5th, 2007 at 04:56 am
December 5th, 2007 at 07:16 am 1196838962
December 5th, 2007 at 01:33 pm 1196861594
December 5th, 2007 at 01:48 pm 1196862514
December 5th, 2007 at 02:42 pm 1196865749
People who can't make that distinction isn't really your friend in my book.
December 5th, 2007 at 05:29 pm 1196875747
December 5th, 2007 at 06:05 pm 1196877948
Anyways, lost the guy. He's a schmuck.
December 12th, 2007 at 03:50 am 1197431407
I have no respect for men that take money from women. Pathetic.