Home > Graduation party

Graduation party

December 8th, 2007 at 04:35 am

I have decided that I want a graduation party. I have worked my behind off. Going to school part-time and some semesters full time, paying my way through college and not only that I am now working a part-time job, working full time and this last semester I went to school full tim

So my challenge for next year is to save for my graduation party in addition to my house. If every thing goes as plan and I can handle the course load I will graduate next fall and will be the first in my family to earn a BA degree so this is a big accomplishment

6 Responses to “Graduation party”

  1. ktmarvels Says:

    Congrats, graduating is a big deal, you should have a party to celebrate your accomplishments!

  2. moi aussi Says:

    Yes I agree. You should have a party to celebrate your accomplishments. Congratulations!

  3. baselle Says:

    Did you know that only 25% of Americans have a college degree! You go girl!

  4. Amber Says:

    wow I did not realize the number was that low I would have guessed about 45%

  5. scfr Says:

    It's definitely an accomplishment worthy of a celebratory bash!
    And you have almost a year to plan a party that will be both fun & frugal!
    Do you think you'll go for a bigger party with a lower per-person cost, or a smaller (mor intimate) party with a higher per-person cost? In either case, I hope you have fun planning!

  6. Amber Says:

    SCFR I have not decided as of yet

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