Home > Some people

Some people

December 30th, 2007 at 03:42 pm

I have a friend who has not worked in years, why I do not know. She is complaining about how they do not have enough money and is about to loose everything. So I say to her why you don’t get a job, her excuse they only have one car. So what happened with public transportation or getting a job opposite the days her husband has to go to work or one that is with in walking distance. Now I told her about my position at the part time job that I have, I am cutting my days she could work one day a week (Sundays) from 3-11 her excuse only have one car. People like this I simply do not feel sorry for.

Now I saw an old high school friend who was recently divorced, lost his house and car, in addition to losing his job. He was at the library looking for work and I did not even think about him for the position; I always run into him at the library maybe will see him on Monday

6 Responses to “Some people”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    What typically blows my mind with people who don't work is HOW they are able to get by without working. And usually the answer isn't pretty....

  2. Ralph Says:

    I really need to get my wife back to work, and some kind of job sharing could definitely be her - thanks for the idea!

  3. monkeymama Says:

    ????????? Um, okay. Either she needs a job or he needs a second job.

    I will never understand people like that. Just sit back and lose everything?

    Me? Not without a fight!

    Maybe your other friend will be more appreciative of a job opportunity.

  4. Amber Says:

    It blows my mind as well BA, and all she does is complain abut how they don't have any money. Once she asked me to go to the doctor and see if I could get antibiotics for her son who was not working and did not have any insurance or money. According to her she nor the husband or son could afford to go to the doctor. Of course my answer was NO

    good luck Ralph

  5. Nic Says:

    People like that always have an excuse as to why they CANNOT do something. Cast not your pearls...

  6. Maismom Says:

    Does she know we work for the "money" not just to have fun? I don't feel for this type of people, either. There's always jobs out there.

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