Home > 2007 $20 Challenge Update

2007 $20 Challenge Update

December 31st, 2007 at 09:04 pm

Koppur gave me a great idea and that was to actually look at just how much I saved for 2007 for the $20 challenge.
I have been keeping a tally but was basically rouding numbers and some times not even including some amounts
All in all I was able to sock away $7849.71 out of that I saved $6871.71 only using $978 in the early part of the year.
I am so happy, never really having a savings this is a huge accomplishment
in addition, I made my final depost today of $50, now my goal for next year is to double that

6 Responses to “2007 $20 Challenge Update”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Zowie! Good show, Amber!

  2. mom-sense Says:

    WOW! What an inspiration! I thought that if I saved $500 that would be great -- I'm hoping to stay motivated and track all money and see my Challenge Money grow!

  3. koppur Says:

    FAB job!! And you're the one who got me all inspired, so my goal now is to catch up to you! Smile

  4. merch Says:

    Nice job!!! You might have to up that new house fund because you're saving too much

  5. Nic Says:

    WTG! Congrats...And Happy New Year!!! Smile

  6. Amber Says:

    thanks everyone Smile

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