Well I went to the dentist yesterday and I keep my card on file. Well I have a $425 credit because I was going to have a gold tooth removed but since I found out I need an implant on another tooth I decided to hold off. You would think since I have a credit the work I had done ($185) would have been deducted from the credit I had, no they charged my card so guess who will be getting a call first thing Monday morning
On a different note I was going to get a bowl of chili for lunch today $3 the same amount I spend on frozen dinners for lunch, anyhow I decided to order lunch and a coworker placed an order as well, well guess what, after I paid he says to me I will give you the money on Monday arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. Always follow your first thought if I had went and bout my chili I would have only spent $3
Lunch came to $17.30 I estimate that mine was about $7 but I am sure I will not get my full refund, this will not happen to me again
In the end I paid $7 on the cc since I ate out for lunch and added some change to the challenge
New total $7182.61
January 5th, 2008 at 03:38 am
January 5th, 2008 at 04:11 am 1199506276
January 5th, 2008 at 05:51 pm 1199555483