Home > Finally


May 28th, 2008 at 03:03 am

Finally set up my budget using my checkbook

Text is and Link is (If you click on the link it is a pdf file and you'll have stroll down a little,it's the checkbook method). I use to do this years ago and stopped, why I don't know. But I am back at it and plan on sticking to it. Tomorrow I will plan my dinner for a month and only buy those items on the grocery list.

4 Responses to “Finally”

  1. Analise Says:

    Tracking expenses is an important part of understanding our overall financial picture. I see that the "checkbook method" can also be used for tracking credit card expenses for those of us who use a cc (to get miles or rewards in my case). Thanks for sharing.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Great job! Are you at iastate?

  3. koppur Says:

    Thank for providing that link! I'm going to try one of those. The one I use now is my own, but I slide from it often. Good luck!

  4. Amber Says:

    Hope you guys can use it, good luck
    CCfree I am at FAU in FL, I stumbled accross U of MN site a while ago

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