Home > 2009


December 26th, 2008 at 04:00 am

Well for the new year I am setting goals for myself, so here they are

•Pack lunch
•Have breakfast at home
•$5k in EF
•$10K towards new home
•Complete school
•Contribute more to IRA
•Keep up with my blog (it helps me a lot)
•No new clothes
•Twice a month at the hair salon

4 Responses to “2009 ”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    These sound very do-able, but you sure have a lot of goals! Maybe you should start one new one every month or every week. How long do they say it takes for it to become a habit? Good luck! :-)

  2. Amber Says:

    Thanks for the tip, I nevre thought about it like're right I'll start a new one every month

  3. Aleta Says:

    I think that most of these you're doing already, so it's not like you are adding anything new. Although limiting clothes spending could be difficult if a special occassion might come in. I try to give myself some wiggle room with categories that I want to limit spending on. I will put a certain amount into them knowing that something may come up.

    How much longer do you have until you finish school? That will be a HUGE goal alone. Good job!

  4. Amber Says:

    I have 3 classes left so hopefully the summer of 09
    Keep your fingers crossed

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