Home > Well it is a new year....

Well it is a new year....

January 1st, 2009 at 01:14 pm

And I plan on living on less than I make, that's my new year's resolution.
Today I plan on just relaxing and heading to the gym, so it will be a NSD. I just check the interest that I have earned for December and it was a whopping $5.25 Frown but I guess I shouldn't complain it's more than I had yesterday

On a different note my mom realized that someone tried breaking into our house on Thursday and I believe it is S, the old family friend who wanted to move in. He's the one the grandmother put out because he stole her CC. When she(mom) went out the back door she notice from the outside that the lock was broken, as if someone tried to pick the lock. It's so strange because that day my mom and I went to TJ Maxx home good store and for some strange reason I decided to hide my laptop under some blankets. I figured if some one breaks in the alarm will go off but the person would still have a few minutes before the cops came...I have no idea why I had this though, just glad I did

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