I pretty much just relaxed today and then headed to the gym worked out for almost 2 hours one of those hours on the elliptical burned 420 calories then hit the grocery store spent $19.57(.43 applied to challenge/cc debt) and it was basically all healthy foods,which is more expensive
Took my sister my car so that she can run some errands tomorrow.
And then I came home and watched a program on PBS regarding the concentration camps in Germany. As an African American I know what blacks went through in this country and some of those stories are almost unbelievable and then I watch this story and I just can't understand why people would want to hurt another group of people based on race, religion or gender or anything else for that matter. To see those people being brought out of those camps was just terrible reminds me of slavery and the Jim Crow era of the early 60s...I just can't even imagine what people were going through back then. I thank God that we are moving in a new direction. I must admit I was not an Obama supporter at first and changed my view of him later on in his campaign but I have to say I never thought I would see an African American as president in this country and to me it is a symbol not only to this country but people around the world how race, sex, religion are becoming no longer a major factor for decisions
Here's my spending for today:
Expense Categories
Gasoline $20.00
Bills: Storage $48.47
Gifts(apples for sis) $2.69
Groceries $16.45
Sales Tax $0.43
Grand Total -$88.04
Today's event
January 2nd, 2009 at 04:24 am