Home > Victoria Secret

Victoria Secret

January 7th, 2009 at 03:55 pm

I just realized that I did not get a bill from VS so I called them and the address was incorrect, thank goodness I will not be charged a late fee. So I decided to take the money out of the EF to pay them off a whopping total of $367.06. I know this was not an emergency but my EF goal is $1000 and I had more than that in there so why earn less than 2% interest to incurr more on the CC
So now I only have 2 CC lefts and I plan on paying Target off the next pay period
YTD paid on the challenge $907.09

8 Responses to “Victoria Secret”

  1. Koppur Says:


  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Awesome!! Keep that up and you'll be debt free again in no time.

  3. Analise Says:

    You did a smart thing. Keep up the progress!

  4. jIM_Ohio Says:

    Of course the male side of me saw a Victoria secret entry and had to read it.

    $366 is lots of stuff. I have spent money there before for the wife, but never that much. If you have a guy in your life, he is a lucky man.

  5. Broken Arrow Says:

    Haw haw. Jim beat me to it.

    So, I take it "Pics please" is inappropriate request at this conjuncture right? Yeah, I'm kicking myself out now.

  6. jIM_Ohio Says:

    BA- you wrote what I was thinking.

    Pictures are always welcome (but not required).

  7. Amber Says:

    It's true what they say you guys always have a different Smile

  8. jIM_Ohio Says:

    How is my agenda different? BA was thinking the same thing. LOL.

    I assume you are single... and I assume you spent it on yourself? What is a single girl doing spending $360 at victoria's secret on herself?

    You need to find a man to pay for that (for you) himself.

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